Specialist Services
We at Bright Smile Dental also offer a range of specialist services. We try to provide as many in house services to make the treatment more affordable for our patients. We can incorporate an overall treatment plan that best suits your needs. It also allows us to do regular follow ups of the treatment at your next regularly scheduled six monthly exam rather than you having to go somewhere else every six months.
Implants are the perfect replacement for missing teeth however, until recently, they were very complicated and time consuming.
Nowadays, it is a very simple surgery which is done at the periodontist/oral surgeon. Most patients can’t believe how pain free it is. One or multiple teeth can be replaced at a time. There is usually a healing time of 2-3 months.
After, you would be referred back to us and we would fabricate a crown or bridge over the implant. The success rate has improved so much over the years and the complexity has decreased.
If you are interested, please talk to us and we would help you make an informed decision.
Periodontics-Gum Disease
The main early signs and symptoms of gum disease are halitosis, swelling, redness and bleeding. They can be easily controlled if detected early. As the disease advances, bone loss occurs which leads to mobility of the teeth and that will become a lot harder and expensive to treat.
Unfortunately, once bone loss occurs, it can’t be reversed. So, the earlier it is detected, the better chance there is to slow the process down.
Analysis of the gum is done by measuring the pockets. Xrays are taken. Then, 4 appointments are organized and deep cleaning of the roots are done. Each appointment is 45 mins in length and local anaesthetic is required. Oral Hygiene instructions are also given and cleaning is closely monitored in between visits.
After 3 months, the patient would be reassessed with another measurement of the pockets. Depending on the progress of the patient, the patient would be placed on different recall ranging from 3-6 mths. If the situation can not be resolved, you would be referred to a periodontist.
Progressive loss of bone loss
Most commonly known as braces, it is a procedure to straighten teeth out. Previously, it used to be common only for teenagers. However, nowadays many adults have it done.
Braces are done for many reasons
1. To relieve crowding and thus making it easier to clean the teeth
2. Straighten teeth to improve aesthetics
3. Correct bite eg some people have very prominent upper teeth (known as bugs’ bunny teeth) and those front teeth are very prone to getting knocked and fracturing
4. Closing gaps. Some older patients have noticed that gaps appear as they get older
5. Speech: some patients start lisping as their teeth are in awkward positions making it hard to pronounce some words
There are two types of dentures Full and Partial dentures.
Partial dentures
1. Acrylic: most commonly known as a plastic denture. It is the cheapest form of teeth replacement. However, it is not very comfortable as it is thick and not very strong
2. Co-Cr: most commonly known as a metal denture. It is stronger and more comfortable to wear but unfortunately, it is not pleasant aesthetically.
The common disadvantages with dentures (known as removable appliances) are that they cause food traps, thus causing more decay to the existing teeth and they can never be very aesthetic.
A few appointments are required before a denture can be done as we want to ensure the best accurate fit.
After a couple of years, as the bone under the denture recedes due to lack of use, the dentures become loose and either a reline/rebase has to be done or a brand new one has to be fabricated.
Sometimes when patients are wearing full dentures, they may have problems eating as their dentures slip everywhere. This can easily be fixed by placing a couple of implants to support and stabilize their dentures.
Root Canal Treatment
Dentistry has advanced so much over the last few decades. Most teeth can be saved with a Root Canal treatment and the treatment is virtually painless. The success rate has increased tremendously over the years. We use the latest equipment and product available on the market.
Xrays of root canal process
Pic 1: Patient came in with an abscess following a basket ball injury from over 10 years which had also caused discolouration of the tooth(Pic 2)
Pic 2 :Discolouration from the basketball injury
Pic 3: Tooth was root filled, bleached and a filling placed
Wisdom Teeth Extraction
1. Some can be removed in the chair with a local anesthetic (injection).
2. Some are too complicated and must be done under a general anesthetic at Sir John Monash.
3. If it is close to the nerve, then, you would be referred to an oral surgeon
“I have been a patient of Bright Smile for over 17 years and I have the highest regard for Dr Chris Hem and his staff. They are professionals and know what they're doing - that goes without saying but it's the intangible things, those important almost unquantifiable things that make them stand out. They have a calming and soothing manner for the skittish among us. I take my little girl there too, Dr Hem has a great way with the youngsters. I have my retired parents who are patients as well! It's a dental practice that caters for the young and old.
– Agnes Cheung Feb 2022